HVAC Children Safety
We have already seen how to childproof your HVAC and what are important HVAC lessons for kids.
Today, we will take a look at some other things you should do in order to keep your children safe and relax for the holidays!
Tighten the Vent Covers
Your little ones might like to hide things in HVAC vents, which can create a blockage that might make temperature control difficult in your home. That’s why you should tighten the screws that hold the vent covers in place.
Restrict Access to HVAC Units
Pieces of HVAC equipment present a potential hazard to children since they are made of metal and often have sharp corners. When kids are playing and running around they may come in contact with hot surfaces and electrical wires. The solution is to install a barrier and which will also prevent children from dropping anything in the unit.
Keep Thermostats out of Reach
Tampering with the thermostat can seriously impact your bills as well as damage your HVAC system over time.
Try and keep it out of reach, so kids are unable to access it.
Have Routine Maintenance Performed by Professionals
Routine maintenance performed by an HVAC professional at least once a year is a must for preventing HVAC problems of any kind. Keep your children and home safe and relax because your HVAC unit will be in its best working order.