
Did you know? 15 HVAC Interesting Facts

We usually think about our HVAC unit when it’s time for cleaning, filter change, or when it’s broken. Here are some new facts about your HVAC system that will give you a new angle on your HVAC unit.

1. Willis Carrier invented the first electrical air conditioning unit in 1902.
2. The first building to install air conditioning in the US was New York Stock Exchange.
3. Herbert Hoover was the first president of the US to have air conditioning in the White House.
4. Without the invention of AC, many medications would never have been invented.
5. After WWII, air conditioning became a status symbol.
6. Movie theaters were some of the first establishments to have air conditioning as a strategy to get more people to go to the movies.
7. People who live in air-conditioned environments lose their natural tolerance for heat.
8. The length of cracks and gaps of AC in the average home is, on average, 1/2 mile long.9. Nine out of 10 HVAC system failures are caused by dust and debris.
10. Demand for air conditioning has been set to triple over the past decades.
11. 50% of all respiratory illnesses are caused by polluted air.
12. Good insulation means savings but also increases the value of a property on the market.
13. 4 Major reasons for HVAC Breakdowns are improper installation, dirt, and debris, no maintenance, and improper sizing.
14. Almost 75% of home energy usage is related to three appliances, one of them is AC.
15. Studies have shown that productivity drops when offices are too cold or too hot.

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