HVAC Quiz Time!
How much do you really know about HVAC? Take the quiz and find out! It will only take a minute of your time!1. When was the first air conditioner constructed?
- a. 1857
- b. 1902
- c. 1932
2. Dirt and debris accumulation leads to an unpleasant smell that negatively affects indoor air quality.
- a. yes
- b. no
3. How often should you change your filters?
- a. every 20 days
- b. every 90 days
- c. every 150 days
4. How many particles greater than 0.3 microns are HEPA filters are certified to remove?
- a. 95.63%
- b. 88.79%
- c. 99.97%
5. Sneezing, coughing, postnasal drip, runny or stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes, red, itchy skin, and itchy throat are signs of dust mites.
- a. yes
- b. no
Correct answers: 1.b , 2.a , 3.b , 4.c, 5.a
So, how did you go? If you’ve been following Lowe’s air duct blogs we are sure you answered everything correctly!