Common HVAC Winter Problems
When the thermometer drops, we want to dive into our couch, grab a favorite blanket and enjoy Christmas movies.
However, HVAC issues can give us headaches if the system is not regularly maintained and not ready for cold weather.
Today, we will take a look at some of the most common HVAC winter problems that you should pay attention to.
1. Frozen Pipes
It is possible that pipes and coils can freeze over and cease to function properly.
2. Uneven Air Flow & Temperature
Check for any cracks or holes in windows and doors. Also, inspect vents and ducts for blockages or debris and clear these areas out.
3. Malfunctioning Heat Pump
Heat pumps fail to defrost during winter, that’s why you’ll need to put its coils and fan clear of frost.
4. Dirty Heater Filters
Filters inside heaters can get clogged with dust, dirt, and other debris, which will lead to decreased airflow and will reduce the warmth inside your home.
5. Broken Thermostat
If the thermostat is not working correctly, the problem might lie in its electronics. Call an experienced HVAC technician to repair any faulty wiring behind the thermostat.
If you have any questions or want to schedule an HVAC inspection, feel free to contact us!