
Stop HVAC Hazards During Winter

Is one of your favorite things to do on a cold winter day snuggling up at home? It’s one of ours, too! However, winter is approaching and that means the heating season is officially on. While accidents happen, there are a few ways to remain cautious for a safer winter.

Smoke And Fire Hazards

Doesn’t happen often, but the HVAC unit can catch fire. That is why your furnace should never be crowded. Storing boxes, bags, holiday decorations, and chemicals around your furnace is a fire hazard and should be avoided, too. Also, make sure that all of your smoke detectors are in working condition, and replace old batteries with a new set.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide is a tasteless, colorless, and odorless gas, but it’s deadly if you inhale it, because you won’t even notice! That is why this gas is also known as the silent killer.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include dizziness, sudden weakness, and headache. That is why you should make sure that your carbon monoxide detectors are working at all times, especially during winter.

Unusual Sounds

If you notice that your furnace is making strange noises or doesn’t seem to be operating well, do not ignore it! That could be a sign that your system needs a part that has to be replaced or repaired. Instead of risking fixing it yourself, call an HVAC professional right away to check your electrical connections.

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