
HVAC and Sustainable Future

With the severe climate changes and lack of natural resources, we should stop and think for a second about how to make a planet a better living place.

Summer days are upon us, and we can barely stand the heatwave. So naturally, everyone will turn on the AC. Think about the fact that AC harms the environment, and over a third of HVAC costs are gone to waste?

So what should we do to avoid heatstroke and at the same time preserve the environment? We are looking for a win-win situation and have found a couple of solutions.

1. Plants

By planting a beautiful garden, you will create a specific microclimate around your home and possibly succeed in lowering a temperature by a couple of degrees, which is a lot. Plants will produce the natural shade you can enjoy during the daytime. Also, you will get to open your windows more frequently, letting the fresh air in and allowing your AC unit to time out. If you have a big garden, think of planting a tree. Shrubs underneath the window will sit beautifully. On the other hand, if you have a courtyard or a balcony, you can arrange it into a beautiful shelter with plenty of flower pots and containers. House plants will also do the trick of cooling down your space.

2. Turn off the switch

Since it’s hot and your AC is working harder than usual, you may consider energy-saving alternatives. Turn of the lights in the rooms you don’t spend so much time. Turn off your TV. Instead, you can think of environmentally friendly ways to entertain yourself. Unplug unused electronics. Shorter showers with colder water can not only save energy by actually be beneficial for both your body and soul.

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