
Boston During September

What to expect from September weather when it comes to Boston? What to do, to wear, how to prepare?

The weather in Boston during September is mostly warm. During the day you can expect sunshine but mornings and evenings could be a bit chilly. The average midday temperature is about 25‎°C, the highest recorded temperature was 38°C, and the lowest at 8‎°C.

It is preferable to dress in layers so that you can be prepared for both cold and warm weather. For enjoying last summer days, long strolls next to the waterfront are highly recommendable since the weather is perfect.

It could get a bit colder in the house during the late evenings and early mornings when the temperatures can vary wildly from 10 to 16°C, but nothing that a good old sweater can’t fix.

Since is not too cold and too hot, and you are not in constant need of the A/C, the best thing you can do during this time of the year is to check up on your HVAC system and prepare it for the autumn weather. Change the filter and call on your local HVAC cleaning guy to do your duct-work.

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